We are now on Etsy!

We are now on Etsy!

If you are on Etsy or would just like a quick way of Purchasing you own Lubbock Custom Motorcycles Piston T-Shirt. Click on the link and you’ll be taken directly to the Lubbock Custom Etsy Web Store. And we will continue to add all our Apparel line to the Store. As...
Customize your Ride to Fit You!

Customize your Ride to Fit You!

Thomas’s 2013 Heritage Softail. We installed some Ride Wright Wheels with a new set of Avon White Wall tires. We also lowered the back 2.5″ and the front 2″ to get a better stance on the motorcycle. While installing the front lowering kit, we installed a set of chrome...
February 2018 – 14th Year Anniversary

February 2018 – 14th Year Anniversary

It’s amazing how time has flown by! I can’t believe we have been open for 14 years now! We Thank God everyday! We are so Thankful for all our Familia, Friends, Customers who have supported us through out all these years. We look forward to many more years...
The Riding Season is here!

The Riding Season is here!

Don’t forget to come in and get your Full Service on your Harley! Very important to get your Service done, as many issues can be found! Weather cracked tires, loose primary chains, worn brake pads, dirty air filters and so much more! Especially replacing all the old...
Check out our new LCM Caps!!

Check out our new LCM Caps!!

These are our new 2017 Piston Logo Caps. Our Piston logo is embroidered in white on the front of the cap. The back part of the cap is in a Charcoal Gray Mesh. These caps are very comfortable to ware and is adjustable to fit all.
Check out our new LCM Beanie!!

Check out our new LCM Beanie!!

This is are our new 2017 Piston Logo Beanie. The Piston logo is embroidered in white on the black beanie. These beanies are sweet to keep your head warm while riding or just hanging out. These are a snug fitting and one size fits all.