20 Year Anniversary Party Flyer
Mark your calendar down for Saturday June 8th. We will be celebrating our 20th year in business! The Little Shop of Texas, 20 years of Customizing and Servicing West Texas, with all their Harley and American V-Twin needs. This is an appreciation to all our customers that have been with us for these past 20 years! We will be serving food, drinks and we will have door prizes, live music. This is...
19 Years In Business
This year on February 1st 2023, Lubbock Custom Motorcycles has been open for 19 years! How time has flown by! We want to Thank everyone who has stopped by our shop, our booth at a show and all our customers that have supported us through out all these years! We will continue to strive to be one of the top custom motorcycle shops in West Texas. Not just by our work but by our customer service....
Merry Christmas Everyone!!!
I hope everyone has a safe and Merry Christmas! From all the Lubbock Custom Familia to yours!
Piston Long Sleeve Shirt
Hey everyone! Check out our new Piston Long Sleeve Shirts. The Lubbock Custom Motorcycles long sleeve shirt has our Piston logo on the back, Lubbock Custom Motorcycles printed down both arms, and LCM on the front just underneath the neck collar. The Piston long sleeve has arrived just in time for the cool weather coming in! Check out the Piston long sleeve shirt on out web store with all...
Shallowater High School Senior Year Project
We want to wish Kayla the best of luck on finishing up her Senior year at #shallowaterhighschool !! We got to be part of her Senior Year Project. As her project was a Motorcycle Mechanic, she has been helping us wrench for the last few months on multiple projects including a 2014 #harleydavidson #Streetglide Awesome to see a young lady interested in our industry!! #workinghard #wreching #harley...
Customize your Ride to Fit You!
Thomas’s 2013 Heritage Softail. We installed some Ride Wright Wheels with a new set of Avon White Wall tires. We also lowered the back 2.5″ and the front 2″ to get a better stance on the motorcycle. While installing the front lowering kit, we installed a set of chrome Harley Davidson lower legs with chrome slider covers. For a more comfortable ride we also installed a Engine Guard with a set of...
Check out our new LCM Caps!!
These are our new 2017 Piston Logo Caps. Our Piston logo is embroidered in white on the front of the cap. The back part of the cap is in a Charcoal Gray Mesh. These caps are very comfortable to ware and is adjustable to fit all.
2nd Annual Miracle from Myles Toy Drive!!
Once again My Nephew Myles has asked if we can do another Toy Drive this year for all the kids that are in our local Hospitals and can’t be home during Christmas. Myles 13 yrs old now, has been battling Leukemia since he was 7. And he knows how it is to spend those days in the hospital! I hope you can join us on December 10th 2016 for the Myles Toy Drive at Lubbock Custom Motorcycles. And help...
Ultimate Builders Show in Dallas
If your going to be in the Dallas area this weekend, come by and see us. Lubbock Custom will be in the show. LOCATION Dallas Progressive Intl Motorcycle Show Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center Dallas 650 S. Griffin Street Dallas, TX 75202 DATE Fri. January 23, 2015 1:00pm – 6:00pm Sat. January 24, 2015 10:00am – 8:00pm Sun. January 25, 2015 10:00am – 5:00p
10 Year Anniversary Party
Hey everyone! Time flies when you’re having fun! Can’t believe we have been open for 10 years now! We want to say Thank You to everyone that has supported LCM within the last 10 years with an Anniversary Party. We will be having food, drinks, door prizes, 50/50. Fiesta Loca Piñata & Face Painting will be doing body painting, face painting and arm painting for the ladies. Fiesta Loca will...
2013 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally
This is Robert’s 07 Deluxe we customized. At the 2013 Sturgis Motorcycle Rally we placed 1st Place in the 1000cc Over Custom Class in the Rats Hole Show at the Buffalo Chip, 1st place Modified Stock in the Easy Rider Show at the Easy Rider Saloon and 3rd Place in the Stock Modified Class in the 2013 Ultimate Builder Show.
20 Year Anniversary Party
Hello everyone! On Saturday June 8th we will be having our 20 Year Anniversary Party here at our shop. We will be having live Music by Rio Grande Trio, food, drinks, door prizes. So, mark your calendars and come out and hang out with us as we celebrate 20 years of helping West Texas with all their Harley and American V-Twin needs. See you there!
16 Years in Business!!
16 years ago we officially opened our doors!! Time have flown by!! It has been a blast with the ups and the downs. The Lubbock Custom Familia would like to Thank each and everyone who is has done business with us or has just supported the shop in one way or another!! We truly appreciate you! We plan to continue to have great customer service and put out the best work we possibly can for many...
Our Holiday Hours
12.23.19 – Monday – 11am to 7pm 12.24.19 – Tuesday – Christmas Eve – 10:30am to 1pm 12.25.19 – Wednesday – Christmas – Closed 12.26.19 – Thursday – 10:30 to 1pm 12.27.19 – 12.29 – Friday / Saturday – Closed
Is it Time for a Full Service?
Don’t wait till other problems arise. With a full service, we can check for any other things your motorcycle needs besides changing engine, trans and primary oils. Like brakes, tires, possible wiring issues, lighting issues and if we see any issues during the test ride. We will give you the list of any issues and or parts needed. Come by and see us today! Or call us at 806-745-7167.
Purchase Piston T-Shirt now on Etsy!
Click Here to go to Etsy!
February 2018 – 14th Year Anniversary
It's amazing how time has flown by! I can't believe we have been open for 14 years now! We Thank God everyday! We are so Thankful for all our Familia, Friends, Customers who have supported us through out all these years. We look forward to many more years of helping all our customers with all their Harley needs and to any future customers. We are still your one stop shop for all your American...
Check out our new LCM Beanie!!
This is are our new 2017 Piston Logo Beanie. The Piston logo is embroidered in white on the black beanie. These beanies are sweet to keep your head warm while riding or just hanging out. These are a snug fitting and one size fits all.
Miracles from Myles Toy Drive!!
Hey everyone! My Nephew Myles has asked if we can do a Toy Drive this year for all the kids that are in our local Hospitals and can’t be home during Christmas. Myles 12 yrs old now, has been battling Leukemia since he was 7. And he knows how it is to spend those days in the hospital! I hope you can join us next week on December 12th for the Myles Toy Drive at Lubbock Custom Motorcycles. And help...
Lubbock Custom 2015 Calendar
Come out and see us if you are at Lone Star Here is a Sneak Peek at our 2015 Calendar Girls!!!! you can pre-order now, they wont last long…We have already sold Half of our prints, before the release date! $19.95, buy 2 and get free shipping! these wont last long!! Contact: Call the shop at 806-745-7167 or email us at
Toy for Tots ride to the Depot District
Hey everyone, this Saturday Dec 14th we are going to host the Toys for Tots run. Everyone will meet at my shop, (2833 Clovis Rd.), at 11 AM to get organized. We will leave for the Depot District between 12 – 12:30. I just wanted to see if you would like to join us. I’m going to invite anyone with a hot rod or any car for that matter and try to start something new with motorcycles and hot rods....
Come and See us at the Lone Star Rally
Are you heading down to the Lone Star Rally in Galveston, Tx? If you are, you need to come and and visit our booth at the Harbor Side vendor area. We will have all our Lubbock Custom Motorcycles apparel, caps, patches, and all our gloves, vests, and jackets. Plus we will have some of our parts available as well, including handlebars, head lights, grips, mirrors, and so on. Hope to see you out...
Happy New Year! 2020!
Happy New Year everyone! We hope you and your Family have a kick ass 2020! Thank you for all the support for going on 16 years now!! We will continue to grind to be your top West Texas Custom Motorcycle shop.
El Mexicano T-Shirt
Now available! For our 15 year Anniversary, we have brought back one of our original designs, El Mexicano t-shirt. The El Mexicano logo is a cartoon of Juan Jr, ripping through the West Texas desert. The t-shirt is now available online and in our showroom located at 2833 Clovis Road here in Lubbock, Tx.
Kelly’s 1990 Heritage Softail
Finished up Kellys 1990 Harley Davidson Heritage Softail with a Full Service. Repaired some electrical wiring on signal system and installed new head light bulb. Ready to go! Awesome looking Evo!
We are now on Etsy!
If you are on Etsy or would just like a quick way of Purchasing you own Lubbock Custom Motorcycles Piston T-Shirt. Click on the link and you’ll be taken directly to the Lubbock Custom Etsy Web Store. And we will continue to add all our Apparel line to the Store. As always we appreciate you Support and Business. Thanks again, Juan. Click Here to Check out Etsy Store!
The Riding Season is here!
Don’t forget to come in and get your Full Service on your Harley! Very important to get your Service done, as many issues can be found! Weather cracked tires, loose primary chains, worn brake pads, dirty air filters and so much more! Especially replacing all the old fluids in your Motorcycle. Call us @ 806-745-7167 to Schedule your Full Service today!
Happy New Year Everyone!
We would like to say Thank You! To all of our Friends and Customers for a great 2016 and we wish you and your Family the Best in 2017. Now in 2017 is the 13th Year of Lubbock Custom Motorcycles having it’s doors open. From all the Lubbock Custom Familia Thank you so much! Here is to another great and prosperous year!
11yr Anniversary / Best of the West Party!
Hey everyone! Come out and join us for our 11th Year Anniversary Party on April 11th at 2833 Clovis Road. Starting from 12pm to 8pm. We will have free food and drinks. Live entertainment by Early Morning Reign. 50/50 Drawing benefiting the St Benezi Church Youth Group.This is a BYOB event. Everyone is invited! Come out on your motorcycle or car! Rain or Shine event. Will see you there! Date:...
Lubbock Custom goes to Lone Star Rally in Galveston, TX
Come out and see us if you are at Lone Star We will be there showing off some new baggers and trying to win some awards, so if you’re at the rally, please stop by and say hello. Date: Thursday, November 6, 2014 – Sunday, November 9, 2014
Lubbock Custom Motorcycles will be on The Car Chasers Episode: “Texas Capital Gains”
Season 2, Episode 12 Episode Synopsis: Jeff chases leads in Austin, Texas, including a motorcycle and a highly collectible scooter from the 1940s. In other events, Jeff tries to sell a movie stunt car to a friend. Original Air Date: Nov 26, 2013
Phone: 806-745-7167
Address: 2833 Clovis Rd.
Lubbock, TX 79415